Diagramming Sentences

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Reading: Survival!

Our next theme is survival! Our first story is from the novel "Island of the Blue Dolphins." Ask you child about our theme and how "Island of the Blue Dolphins" connects to our theme. What do you already know about survival? What do you hope to learn about survival? This is a discussion forum to ask questions, make comments, and discuss our stories.


Anonymous said...

This story to me was not similar to the fake karana story.

why do they have a fake karana story?

Anonymous said...

Karana was rescued and brought to a mission. She died in 1853 7 or 8 weeks after her rescue and buried at the santa Barbara Mission.i think the author changed the story a whole lot and i like the original version better .

Anonymous said...

This story was really cool.Now I know the whole story of how she was leaft there


Anonymous said...

This new theme is so raw we are learning this new story "Island of the Blue Dolphins".

Christian Norfleet

Anonymous said...

that was a totaly differnet than what we read in class. It had more details than the one in are reading book.Iam surprised that was a true story.

Anonymous said...

The author maybe just wanted to change the story and I didn't like his way either. NiaSanda

Anonymous said...

I think they have a fake Kanara because they might of wanted to make up a shorter and different


Anonymous said...

dear class

what do you think will happen next


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi, my question is
How do people survive survivle?

Anonymous said...

karana is real she is not fake


Anonymous said...

His way was not as thoughtful as the real one.

Anonymous said...

In are reading story now that we read what really happened what point of view do you think it is .

Anonymous said...

why does this story actually happen?

Anonymous said...

I like the regular Karana story but it was really different from the real story.

Anonymous said...

1. Why did you leave your group even though you thought you were better than them?
2.How did you get the hang of dog sledding so quickly?
3.What made you become a arctic explorer?
