Diagramming Sentences

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Messages by the Mile

Today you will select a type of whale to research, take notes, and then write a summary paragraph about the whale you chose. To the right are the websites you may choose from. The first two list types of whales, and the last two are more specific for killer whales and humpback whales.

Your summary must include:
1) Where would you travel to find this kind of whale? (3)
2) How does this type of whale communicate specifically? Describe in detail.(4)
3) How does this research connect to our story? (4)
4) At least 3 more facts about this whale. (3)

-Remember, every good paragraph has a topic sentence (2), clear supporting details (#1-4,14 points), and a closing sentence (2). FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS IS WORTH 6 POINTS. This assignment is worth a total of 24 points).

-POST YOUR PARAGRAPH AS A COMMENT HERE! (following directions, 6 points)


Anonymous said...

Southern Right Whales are really endangered because of people. They live on the Southern coasts of Australia and the North Atlantic. The whales only communicate when a baby is about to be born {seasonal} and for courtship. Southern Whales connect to our story by it talking about the types of whales that are in the oceans and off of the coasts. Adult whales are usually 35-55 feet. They are black all over except for on the belly{bright oramge}. The Southern whale is the slowest swimming whale and is the most endangered whale. People in Australia used to hunt them for oil and when they die they just float in the water causing pollution.Here is why people should care about Southern Right Whales.

Anonymous said...

I think Humpback whales are interesting.They can be 14-19 metres.They have stocky bodies and a broad head.Their dorsal fin sits on a hump.Whales communicate by singing long complicated songs.They do this when leaping out of the water or migrating.Some whales live in the Artic.Then they migrate to Australia if it gets too cold.These whales are always interesting to watch and listen to their beatiful song. by:Kasen

Anonymous said...

The killer whales are viscious predators that live in the seas of
Antartica.These viscious pretadors
feast on seals, fish,and panguines.
Whales cummunicate
by using infrosonic sound.Killer
whales swim in groupes to avoid getting eaten.It connects to our story because it comunicates by using infrosonic sound.These are some great quick facts on killer whales.


Anonymous said...

1. British Columbia

2.12 seperate types of calls.

3.Because killer whales can communicate.

4.Killer whales are distinctively marked black-and-white.

4. Females stop giving birth at approximatley 40 years old.


Anonymous said...

The amazing whale I chose was the Sperm Whale. These whales live in all oceans, but I would travel to California to see it.It communicates by making screeching noises like the dolphin.This research relates to our story because it gives information on whales and how they communicate.The Sperm Whale can dive up to 3,200 ft. The squid is a major part of their diet. Most Sperm Whales average to about 15meters in length.Those are some wonderful facts about the Sperm Whale. Christian

Anonymous said...

I'm going to tell you about the Killer Whale. They are found in North and South Pole. The whales communicate by infrasonic sound. The female whale can get up to 24 feet. They can be up to 3,000-8,000 lbs. This connects to our story a lot because they both use infrasonic sound. Did you know that the babies are 3 feet tall? They eat fish,seals,sea lions,and squid. That is all you need to know about killer whales for now.Bryce

Anonymous said...

My whale is a killer whale.They usually communicate when they are active. Slight changes to standard call formats additional infomation such as where a location is or about their feelings. They call in 12 seperate calls. They can be found in Columbia or B.C. So if they were hungry the whale would call another whale. Another example is if a whale calls another whale the other whale can locate his status or position. They eat fish and penguins. These whales fascinate me because of the way they communicate. Arena

Anonymous said...

Orca whales are vorocious when it comes to eating. They eat squid,seals,fish,and tuna. Killer whales (Orcas) hunt in groups or by themselves. The ways to see Orcas are to see them dive, to see them get air,or to see them flip and jump.I would travel to Australia to see this whale. Orcas use sqealing and high and low pitched chirping. This connects to the reading story because they make some of the same sounds as Fin whales.

Anonymous said...

The whale I am doing is called a killer whale.These whales can be found in Columbia or B.C.They call in 12 seperate types of calls. These whales only call when they are active. If they are hungry, they call another whale. These whales eat fish, whales and penguins. When they call each other they can identify where they are located. These whales are very interesting because of the way they live. This connects to the story because these whales communicate. Angelique

Anonymous said...

The whale shark is the largest fish in the sea. It is found all around the world in tropical seas. They use infrasonic sound and make rumbling and groaning noises. It connects to the story because the whales talk the same and are whales that we are talking about. Three facts are that the whale shark's scientific name is Rhindoden Typus,it is 45 feet long at the maximum,and it eats plankton. That is the imformation on the whale shark. Andrew

Anonymous said...

White/Beluga Whales are realy Delphinapterus Leucas.They can be found in artic and subartic water.
Sometimes they may live in the St.
Lawrence in Canada or in Yukon in
Alaska.They eat diff. kind of fish
and invetebrates.White whales communicate with echolcation.This means they have the ablity to see
through sound. They weigh 3,000 - 3,300.
Charles ^_^

Anonymous said...

Southern Right Whales are big endangered whales. They are endangered because they use to be used to be used for oil. They are commonly found alone or in small groups from 1-3 animals,but they may form groups, of 10 to 30 whales . They communicate rarely and when they do ,it is only for courtship and when a baby is about to be born. This research connects to the story because it talks about the whale's behavior. One fact is that the whale is very large. The adult right whales are generally 35-55 feet. The largest indivisual are known , measured as 60 feet long and 117 tons.They be found in the North Atlantic and Australia.This is why Southern Right Whales are so imporotant. Bryonne

Anonymous said...

The Killer Whale is also known as the Orca.They live in Antartica,are powerful,and robust.Males have large dorsal fins but females have short slightly hooked dorsal fins .Whales communicate by twelve different whale songs.Males live to be fifty-five years old.Females on the other hand live to be seventy to eighty years years old .Some of the whales live in British Columbia.Did you know that whales were in B.C or before Christ.There were over 200 killer whales or Orcas living in B.C.or before Christ.Orca Whales connect to the Reading story because they both communicate by whale songs.That is what I learned about Orcas or Kilker Whales.